We hope you are as excited as we are for the kick off of our 2nd annual summer series at Local 138 on Ludlow st. Lower East Side, NYC. Today's forum will feature MORE members who are public school educators and parents discussing the opposition to high stakes testing, how it leads to the school to prison pipeline, and how we all can work together to have the schools our children deserve.
Check out this relevant graphic from our brothers/sisters of Chicago Teachers Union http://www.ctunet.com/ blog/how-standardized-testing- feeds-the-school-to-prison- pipeline
The happy hour specials are great and it's a fantastic chance to educate, strategize, and of course, socialize!
Our facebook event here: https://www.facebook. com/events/177003385802348/
Save the dates for upcoming summer series
7/25 UFT Leadership: Friend or Foe: An analysis of the leadership of our union and how a caucus such as MORE views them
8/8 How Do We Fight For a New Contract:Strategies for gaining a new contract that benefits our educators, students, and parents.
8/22 The First Days of School-How to Build an Active Chapter: Organizing and mobilizing your school to fight back against abusive administrators and profit driven reform.
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