Is this a new way of being able to steal without consequences? True public schools have to have an accountability of every dollar. The charter schools that are occupying our community schools need to be held to the same standards. ... comment at nycednewsUPDaTeD:
Let's get our fingers into as much pie as we can while claiming we're a public school but make sure the public can't see behind the charter iron curtain.
Leonie Haimson said:
This is the second accountability section of the new charter law that Eva has openly opposed – the other one was the requirement that charters enroll and retain comparable numbers of high needs students – which her charters don’t do and she doesn’t want to be required to do. As Diane points out, Eva’s argument that the state comptroller has no authority to audit her schools puts the lie to any claim that charters are truly public schools. She wants taxpayer money – no demands it – and then refuses to be accountable for it. For shame!
From Ravitch blog:
--When New York State Comptroller Tom Di Napoli informed Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy charter chain of his intention to audit its financial records, the corporation sued to block the audit of public funds on grounds it was unconstitutional.According to the story in a legal journal, “Success Academy claims that a 2009 ruling by New York’s highest court found the Legislature overstepped its bounds by passing legislation in 2005 that authorized the comptroller to audit charter schools.
“Despite fine-tuning in 2010 that resurrected the audits, they’re still unconstitutional, Success Academy claims.”In fact, Di Napoli has audited other charters based on the change in the law in 2010 that was written specifically to authorize the Comptroller to audit the use of public funds.In one of Success Academy’s letters to the Comptroller, it asserts that the comptroller lacked the authority to conduct such audits under the state constitution, which authorizes reviews “of any political subdivision of the state” – which charter schools are not.”Not being “a political subdivision of the state” is another way of saying that the charter corporation is a private contractor, NOT a public school. This has been the standard line of charters across the nation to evade state labor laws and other laws that apply to public schools but not to private contractors.
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