Some of them were union activists, trying to make their public schools and their union better.... NEW CaucusThe Chicago layoff story while hiring Teach For America scabs (Mark Naison: Teach for America-Our Modern Day Pinkertons) is a declaration of nuclear war.
RBE did a good job the other day in branding Rahm Emanuel a murderer (Rahm Emanuel's School Closings Put Children's Live). In a fair society Rhambo would be on death row, along with his pals who murder innocent civilians (Obama: I Could Be My Own Drone Bombing Victim.)
NEW Caucus, which basically won the Newark union elections last month, is predicting that Cami Anderson will be doing her own version of Rhambo next year once
Despite it being the summer, NEW Caucus has been busy. More on that in a later email...
But for now, we wanted to share some recent articles that are relevant to all Newark education workers and public education in general. So those articles are toward the bottom.
But the huge, terrible news today is what has been taking place in Chicago since Friday.
Chicago has begun laying off 2,100 education
workers!!! MANY OF THEM ARE (were) TENURED!
Some of them were union activists, trying to make their public schools and their union better.
PLEASE READ! This is what is coming to Newark! We have already heard rumors that because our Superintendent did not close any schools this past year (an election year for her employer) she WILL close schools in large numbers next year if Christie wins a second term.
Newark education workers MUST begin mobilizing to protect our students, our public schools, our city, and our profession!
The corporate education reformers are willing to destroy schools, communities, student lives, and
the lives of education workers in their push for markets and profit. It's up to US to stop them.
Below are more articles, further driving home the damage caused by the corporate "reform" agenda:
1) article on Philly school closings.
2) Jersey City Public Schools outsourcing substitutes.
3) Corporate reformer push to "reform" schools of education.
and another critiquing the "reform" agenda for schools of education.
4) GREAT article on the disruptive and negative results of "renew" or "turnaround" schools
in Washington, DC.
In Solidarity,
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