I won't get into the details given other bloggers hammering Randi:
Pissed off teacher: Union Should Stick To Defending Teachers - When a person hires a lawyer, the lawyer does not decide whether the person is guilty or innocent. The lawyer just defends that person to the bes..
Perdido St: It's Time To Fire "Bad" Union Leaders Like Randi Weingarten
NYC Educator:
Getting Rid of "Bad Teachers" - That's what AFT President Randi Weingarten focused on in some sort of AFT gathering. I don't get invited to AFT gatherings in my lowly capacity as repres...
I have always maintained that our union leaders are on the other side and really support ed deform.
Come to the MORE summer event Thursday from 4-7 that I have helped organize: UFT Leadership: Friend or Foe to explore this issue in depth.
Thurs. 7/25 UFT Leadership: Friend or Foe: An analysis of the leadership of our union and how a caucus such as MORE views them Our summer series continues at Local 138 on Ludlow st, Lower East Side, NYC. 4-7pm $3 beer and drink specials.
Video of our 1st summer series on high stakes testing and a preview of this one can be found at here
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