Here is James Eterno at the ICE blog:
Get out the Vote for Tish James on Tuesday in the Democratic Runoff!Letitia James fought the mayor's reprehensible school closing policies; she deserves our support.Note this is my view only along with my wife and most of the family but not necessarily the position of ICE, Jeff Kaufman, MORE or anyone else.
I did write this segment for my Wave column published this Friday. I will publish the entire column on Friday.
I am writing this just before going out to vote for Leticia James in the runoff for Public Advocate. So by the time you read this the election will be decided. I was disappointed that Phil Godfeder is/was supporting her opponent, Daniel Squadron. In his first campaign for office I ran into Phil outside Waldbaums and told him I expected to be disappointed in him on education issues like closing schools, charters, testing etc. I still haven’t made a judgment but I do support him on general issues. By endorsing the charter lobby-funded Squadron over James, who has stood up to big-chain charter invasions while Squadron has played politics, Goldfeder is making a statement on education deform – a disappointing statement. He is also making a statement on unions, mostly supporting James. I know, I know – loyalty to Chuck Schumer and all the other special interests backing Squadron. But still… James as a black woman lawyer from Brooklyn who has a proven record in the City Council, will be/would have been (depending on the results) a boon for all of the Rockaways, west and east ends – and the very growing and increasingly active middle. Once again, Rockaway – A Tale of Two Cities. Or maybe three.
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