Oy! On a beautiful day that I would love to be spending in my backyard contemplating my little garden construction project that has become my obsession (contemplate, not do actual work on it -- but look for a photo soon to show where I am at with it) I am about to leave for the Portelos hearing -- where I hear the slimy investigators will testify. I know Portelos did talk to them and no matter how innocent you think you are they will twist any word out of place and use it against you. This should be a good lesson for all of us to pass on about how to deal with OSI. My instinct is to refuse to say anything. Let them gather evidence -- you will have your day at the hearing. Of course people talk to them hoping they will hear your side and there won't be a hearing. Looking at the evidence, they are not interested in your side -- the interview is to catch you. But maybe I am wrong -- check with lawyers.
As I've been reporting, we are not telling details -- you can check the charges at Protect Portelos -- but so far all I hear is nonsense from the DOE -- without much to go on they are trying to paint Portelos as a terrorist -- someone to fear -- like the principal and staff are afraid of him -- taking some of the words of anger he used when he came under attack out of context. The DOE lawyer was already whining that some are intimidated by him and won't testify against him. As NYSUT lawyer Chris Callegy said -- "If I had a nickel for every person intimidated by the DOE...."
Callegy keeps pointing out that if these people in his school were upset at him they wouldn't elect him as chapter leader. Let's see how many of these people actually testify against him. Given the actions of the principal towards Portelos supporters there is much more fear of her than of him. Here's my report from last Monday's hearing. Portelos Hearing: DOE Legal Invalidates Chapter Le...
I expect other retiree MOREistas to attend.
STOP THE CHARTER SCHOOL INVASION THREATENING DISTR... I have to leave the hearing about 4:30 to get to the 5:30 rally at Seth Low at 99 Ave. P (near West 9th St in Brooklyn) where Eva is invading. Say what? This is white Bensonhurst. The border of District 20 and 21. A charter there? Well you know the Eva drill. Poor kids of color are passe. She need to build her political machine in all parts of the city to fuel her mayoral ambitions. There is a hearing at 6 and I will stay for a while. Click the link above for more info. (I will take some footage).
MORE/Change the Stakes Jia Lee and Fred Smith on P...
But then I have to get over to PS 51 at 350 5th Ave in Park Slope for the CEC 15 sponsored High Stakes Testing forum where our pals Leonie Haimson, Jia Lee and Fred Smith will be on the same panel with Shael Polokow-Suransky. I will tape if I can.
I don't expect to get home until 10PM or later. And I will be very hungry. Can someone email me a chicken parm hero?
Monday, 30 September 2013
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