The city will spend a whopping $29 million in 2013 on the salaries and benefits of outcast educators who are deemed too dangerous or incompetent to work in public school classrooms but cannot be immediately fired, the Daily News has learned...
Chapman and Monahan get quotes from both a DOE spokesman and a union official to press their respective sides of the issue, but the language in the article leaves little doubt that these 326 teachers languishing in the 2013 version of the rubber room are pervs, incompetents, malcontents and freaks and they should be fired... Perdido St. SchoolGee, I guess the DOE was not in the room when this was negotiated.
Q: The arbitrator is chosen by both the city and the union. Most of them are retired judges. How is it the union's fault when the arbitrators make the decisions?
These retired judges start getting paid $1,400 a day for an arbitration case. They go on a long time, and they're making a lot of money.Hands off Tweed's responsibilities.
Q: Shouldn't teachers be allowed to defend themselves against false accusations?
Brown: The special investigator comes in and does a pretty thorough investigation. Only when [the investigator] has substantiated those charges will it go in for arbitration.
Again, Brown doesn't know or want to know that the teacher gets no defense UNTIL the arbitration hearing. And the investigators are on one sided witch hunts with no corresponding investigation on the part of the teacher.
I remember one case where the principal incited a parent to claim the teacher had pulled her kids shirt and left a scratch and call the police who came an took the teacher out in handcuffs -- and then the cops, once they got the teacher to the station (where she was till 1 AM) believed her and the chief officer went back to check that afternoon -- and they spent half the night trying to get the parent to drop the charges. I spoke to the lead PD detective and he told me these were clearly trumped up charges by the principal.
I asked the UFT to investigate and get a statement from the cop. Nada. So the so-called "thorough investigation" led to 3020a charges and the teacher was suspended for a year without pay. But the NYPD guy knew within minutes it was all bogus.
By the way -- Jeff Kaufman and James Eterno in their last days on the UFT Ex Bd in 2007 -- you know those guys that New Action said were "embarrassing" and that they never made wonderful resos like NA did, brought up a resolution calling for the hiring of paralegals to do independent investigations on the part of the teacher. Randi said "nada."
I am a WFAN's Mike Francese fan -- since practically the day he went on the air 25 years ago - even before Mike and the Maddog. He has been trashing DN sports over their AROD witch hunt with constant leaks and falsehoods. I guess witch hunting is modus operendi at the DN. I won't even grace the Post with branding it since it is below even the standards of the DN.
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