Art teacher's contest entry "Educational Experiment Engineered for Failure” kids struggle w/tests as John King looks on.
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A Medina High School art teacher is seeking online votes in the second annual Vision Art Awards, in which she has entered a painting protesting the state-mandated standardized testing.
Vision Art Awards, sponsored by 464 Gallery at 464 Amherst St., Buffalo, seeks to support, encourage and celebrate the work of local and regional artists through a format that levels the playing field between emerging and established artists, said art teacher Jen Scott.
Scott’s oil painting titled “An Educational Experiment Engineered for Failure” shows the New York State Education Commissioner John King smiling through a classroom’s windows, while students are struggling with the influx of standardized testing.
“This painting really protests the over-reliance on standardized tests and how these tests focus so narrowly on reading and math skills,” Scott said. “Non-standard thinkers, like my son Matt, are penalized through these tests.”
Soon most states, including New York, will mandate so-called high-stakes tests in many subjects at several grade levels, Scott said.
She shared a statement from Howard Gardner, professor of Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education: “We must proceed cautiously before we place students’ minds and hearts at risk with tests of dubious quality, whose meaning can be over interpreted and whose consequences can be devastating. Yes, we need more rigorous academic standards, but we must also give youngsters models when it comes to developing the most crucial skills: love of learning, respect for peers and good citizenship. That is what they will need most to pass the test of life.”
Scott is asking people to vote for her painting by “liking” the 464 Gallery fan page on Facebook; clicking on the Vision Art Awards photo album; and clicking “like” on the painting.
An opening reception for the art show is scheduled from 6 to 10 p.m. Sept. 13. At this event, the winners of the People’s Choice Awards will be revealed, as well as the juried selections. In addition, some other works of note will be featured, as selected by 464 Gallery owner, Marcus Wise.
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