May 31, 2013Yesterday we reported on the outrage of PAVE charter being handed 400 grand by Tweed to help them steal pre-k kids from the local public schools in Red Hook, which have had their requests to expand their own pre-k ...
I thought they had taken the PAVE pre-k off the agenda of the May PEP but all they did was change the name of the corporation from PAVE to one of the slugs who works for them.May 06, 2013Remember billionaire run PAVE charter? They moved out of PS 15 and got their own 34 million building. You see charters aren't supposed to have pre-k.
I posted the pre-k registration question from a PTA president to Walcott at the District 14 Town Hall last week asking for help in registering parents and Walcott pretending not to know what he was talking about. All the while allowing charters like PAVE to set up dummy corporations to register kids for pre-k 18 months in advance while public schools have to tell parents to go find a computer to register online.
Here is the link - go to minute 50 and watch for about 5 minutes as Walcott literally dances around the issue.
And here is an excerpt from a very excellent post by Leonie on the diversion of public money to charter schools like PAVE at
Crony capitalism and the inequities of NYC charter funding: Julian Robertson and the case of the billionaire scion's preschool -
Note the example of the PAVE charter school, run by Spencer Robertson, the son of billionaire Julian Robertson, a close associate of Mayor Bloomberg's.See more at: Crony capitalism and the inequities of NYC charter funding: Julian Robertson and the case of the billionaire scion's preschool -
In order to evade this prohibition, Robertson the son set up a dummy corporation for a pre-school for PAVE called the "Henry Cooper Westendarp" school, named after PAVE's director of finance. This pre-school is being funded through a separate contract with the DOE to the tune of nearly half a million dollars, and it will help ensure a steady stream of students for Spencer's charter school.
Julian Robertson, billionaire and non-city taxpayer Along with Chancellor Walcott, Spencer is also on the board of the NYC Charter Center, which is headed by Phoebe Boyer, who runs both of Julian's foundations, the Tiger and Robertson Foundations, which help finance the Charter Center and other pet projects of the Mayor.Yet Julian, whose net worth is $2.8 billion according to Forbes, refuses to pay city taxes, and has his secretary calculate exactly how many days he must travel out of the city and schedules him accordingly, to avoid doing so.See below commentary by parent Jim Devor, outgoing president of Community Education Council in District 15 on the need for an investigation into how the city is providing funds to pay for PAVE's preschool.
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