It is a sham, just as Rhee is a sham..... deutsch29John Merrow has done a mea culpa on Michelle Rhee and took particular aim at the Washington Post's coddling of that Cheatn' Rhee.
Does Washington have an ‘Atlanta-style’ situation? In some respects, yes. There are four striking similarities: Irregularities at a majority of schools in both cities; a secret report buried by the school administration in both cities; pseudo-investigations in both cities; and widespread support from ‘the establishment’ in both cities. There’s one key difference between Atlanta and Washington: the role played by the local newspapers.Merrow was/has been a fan of the phony Paul Vallas post-Catrina destruction and de-unionization of the New Orleans school system. (Arne Duncan: the best thing to happen to New Orleans was Catrina). Deutsch29 left this comment on our post John Merrow's Growing Relentlessness on Rhee Cheat...":
Mr. Merrow, how about reconsidering your adulation of RSD in New Orleans? It is a sham, just as Rhee is a sham.Merrow and other media cannot just take a look at isolated instances of ed deform run amuck but the entire package -- including the charter scams from open stealing to the pre-k games we have reported on. charter-school-audit-reveals- faux-accountability/ for-new-orleans-dont-you- believe-it/
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