We wrote about the bad deal Randi sold to the teachers back in October (Newark Contract: Weingarten is a Serial Pusher of ...) and in April where we channeled blogger Jersey Jazzman (Randi Sellout Tour Coming to Fruition in Newark).
This summer MORE and NEW Caucus may be doing some joint events.
Here is the missive from NEW Caucus:
1) By now, many of you have probably received the first of the negative (and expensive!) SAC Slate mailers that will go out this week as ballots go out. SAC Slate is the current NTU leadership, and they are doing whatever is necessary to take our eyes off the seriousproblems that the NTU faces, and to discredit the NEW Caucus and the NEW Vision Slate.Below, see NEW Vision Slate's response to that mailer.2) More important, BALLOTS GO OUT TUESDAY! You should be receiving your ballot by mail by Thursday or Friday at the latest! If you do not receive a ballot by Friday, you should call the NTU offices immediately at 973-643-8430.
Vote ONLY NEW Vision by checking the box above the NEW Vision column on the right-side of the ballot. DO NOT VOTE FOR ANYONE ELSE!
Here is the response the the SAC mailer (which we don't have).
By now some of you have received a mailer from the Solidarity Again Caucus (current NTU leadership) for the upcoming election. NEW Vision is concerned that negative mailers like this further divide and weaken our union. We would like to address a few points about this mailer:1. NEW Caucus is still alive and fighting. NEW Vision was created to unite other members of the NTU that may not necessarily be in the NEW Caucus. In fact, check out the April edition of NEW Views (click here).2. The Star Ledger article referring to NEW Caucus as liars was prepared by the same "Editorial Board" that has consistently supported Cami Anderson's attacks. They've also criticized the Chicago Teachers for their brave action against the attacks on Chicago teachers and schools. In other words, it is a good thing to be attacked by them, since they have attacked our friends and supported our enemies.3. It is almost comical to suggest that NEW Vision simply aims to gain control of the NTU dues. In reality, as current NTU contributors, we do not receive information about the NTU budget or how it is spent. Other than a list of expenditures at the January meeting, we never see what the NTU is spending its money on. We do want to change that and make sure you know how every dollar is spent. We will also encourage members to be part of the decision making process over how dues are spent.4. When this contract was first revealed NEW Caucus was adamant that it undervalues education workers and students. The contract justified Anderson's aggressive school closings. Additionally, we are currently seeing the effects of the "Election to Work" agreements, and we aim to challenge the ability of administrators to pressure workers into opting out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. As said in November - the current contract has the potential to destroy our union as it splits members into two different pay scales.Whether as NEW Caucus or NEW Vision, we have said that we will reenergize and motivate the union membership to stand up and fight back. It won't be easy, but it will be done. As is evidenced by this negative and desperate mailer, the current leadership lacks vision.NEW Vision calls on all education workers, especially those in the Solidarity Again Caucus, to publicly condemn this mailer and stand with NEW Vision for a stronger, united union.
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