Graphical Analysis of the UFT Election Results
MORE will be holding the last formal meeting of the year this Saturday, having held open meetings once a month since February 2012, a pretty good run. And numerous planning committee meetings in between. And committee meetings. And attending events.
Oh, and running in the elections: building a slate, garnering petitions, distributing numerous leaflets and all the other paraphernalia you need to do in an election. In some ways that effort has held us back from the prime directive: to build a functioning organization with deep outreach to the schools. But it has also helped, bringing a batch of new people who seem excited by the experience. Old war horses like me get jaded and become cynics but the excitement at the election night victory party did infect me and I needed it after spending 9 hours watching the vote count.
Historically, the opposition caucuses go into a 2 year hibernation after elections while Unity Caucus goes back into its cave. For MORE the end of elections is the beginning of the cycle, not the end. MORE's next step is to actually build some kind of working organization starting with electing a 9 member steering committee (the process is ongoing now).
Up to now MORE has been functioning on a wing and a prayer. I've been one of the people holding out on taking this step as I believe in the least restrictive environment -- as little bureaucracy as you can get away with - my libertarian tendencies. But it is clear MORE has reached the stage of formalizing an elected body. (I made it clear that in protest of the 52% retiree vote in the UFT elections I would not serve on the steering committee to make a point. Besides, I'm too lazy to do the work required.)
I'm urging people to not take on too much -- just stay in your lane and do what is feasible in terms of where your life is at. Don't feel you have to come to every meeting. It can be more fruitful to concentrate on the work in your school. I am taking on a few tasks but not a leadership role -- as it should be. I want to develop a tabloid newsletter like the old Ed Notes of 2002-4 and also work with Queens people on a borough MORE meeting every few months. Others have loads of exciting ideas towards building not just a caucus but a movement. After all, it's in our name.
General Meeting 5/11
by morecaucusnycThe Election Is Over, The Movement Has Just Begun!
MORE's last general meeting of the school year.
Saturday, May 11th 12:00-3:00pm
224 West 29th st 14th fl. NYC (btwn 7th & 8th ave)
Please join us as we continue the important work of building MORE. We will begin voting for our new elected leadership and analyze the post UFT election data. We will decide what issues to focus on and develop strategies for fighting for a contract, better working conditions and improved learning conditions.Join one of our working groups at the meeting to help during the summer.
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