Saturday 4/13 12:00-3:00224 West 29th st 14th FloorNYCOpen meetingPlease join us for this very important meetingThe UFT elections are here- we will discuss our current strategies and share stories of our unique experiences in electioneering. We will also phone bank together to help get out the vote. The UFT leadership will be endorsing a mayoral candidate soon. Let's decide how we want to approach this critical decision in the upcoming election. We will also offer proposals for a steering committee and visions for building MORE into a stronger movement.
Sunday 4/14
And on Sunday, that do-nothing, know-nothing Cavanagh who won't speak at the delegate assembly is completing her weekend by appearing with Seattle test boycott teacher leader Jesse Hagopian at this MORE/Change the Stakes sponsored event at the Earth School where MORE elementary school Ex Bd candidate is chapter leader. Leading parent advocate Janine Sopp will be speaking too. This event will be moderated by MORE candidate for UFT Secretary Brian Jones. You know those MOREs, so lazy.
The Earth School 600 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10009 Between Ave B and Ave C
Come to either event to see Julie and possibly Jack. You can also play with Jack if the meetings bore you. Bring baby food.
The Earth School 600 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10009 Between Ave B and Ave C
Come to either event to see Julie and possibly Jack. You can also play with Jack if the meetings bore you. Bring baby food.
MORE victory party, April 25 at a bar near the vote count
So we are also planning a Victory Party right after the count is completed on April 25. No, we don't expect to be running the UFT on July 1 but there is certainly something to celebrate no matter the vote count. Like our very existence and the process by which we got to this point. Somehow things got decided and accomplished without a formal structure.
Being somewhat of a control freak, does this make me comfortable? Hell no. With election coming to an end it is time to get down to organization building. And I will predict right now --- if MORE doesn't get some of this done in the next 6 months it will find itself adrift like other caucuses have ended up. I will offer advice based on lessons learned.
Informal Election analysis, Friday April 26, 4:30 PM, Skylight Diner, 34th St and 9th Ave.
This began as an ICE event for those wonks who want to talk about the election results the day after but it is open to whoever wants to come and chat as we will discuss the good, the bad and ugly of this election round. The space we use can seat 20 but if there are more wonks than we expect people can break into tables of 6 or so.
MORE intends to hold a more formal analysis in May.
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