Unity Caucus and E4E: perfect together. Mulgrew showed up to an E4E meeting but won't show up to debate Julie Cavanagh.
This is the 2nd appearance King is making at an E4E event. He must have too much time on his hands.
Some MORE teacher and parent reps will be handing out Vote MORE leaflets but expect E4E supporters to vote Unity given they agree on so much. Come on down and join us.
Why go since they won't let anyone in who might ask a question or not sit there like a yoyo? At a recent NYCORE event a young lady came over and said she recognized me from the last time I leafleted John King's appearance. She trashed E4E -- she saw how they tried to bribe people with expensive gifts and raffles and finally saw through them. So you never know how many of these people if they stay in teaching will move politically as they see through the e4e sham.
E4E had the oportunity to test its support by running in the UFT elections. They declined, preferring to use the DOE to help them slink around schools. Their updates are so much more about LA than NY now, a sign of just how much they are petering out here. That is funny as how some of the press were bragging that E4E types won some seats in the last LA union election, which they are pushing as a sign the next gen of teachers are supporting ed deform while wearing egg on their faces when real reform groups like CORE can get 98% of the teachers to strike and MORE actually stands up to Unity.
But Gotham will strive to keep E4E alive by using every excuse to mention them. Did you see their story on chapter leaders where they quote James Eterno extensively but make no mention that he is a candidate for MORE? But they make sure to get one quote from one of the few chapter leader E4E has so they can mention the group.
Don't be surprised to see Gotham do a story on this event while ignoring every other group's events. Like did anyone see something on the NYCORE conference of over 600 people with Karen Lewis as keynoter?
Critical Questions: A Conversation with NYS Education Commissioner John King Tell New York State Education Commissioner John King about how policies are impacting your classroom, ask your questions, and advocate for meaningful change for our students and our profession. » |
Thursday, April 4, 2013 | 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Bank Street Auditorium
610 West 112th Street, New York, NY 10025
610 West 112th Street, New York, NY 10025
Subway: 1 to 110th St
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