At the PEP, Queens Rep Dmytro Fedkowskisj and Mahattan's Patrick Sullivan presented the moratorium resolution. This video has their statements and their reading of the reso which lost by a vote of 8-3 with the Bronx rep joining them and the Brooklyn rep appointed by the spineless Marty Markowitz abstaining -- you can hear some audience members erupting in catcalls calling Markowitz a clown.
By the way, did you hear of the new PEP rule: Eva gets equal opportunity to choose a member of the PEP along with the borough presidents.
New PEP member, David Brown, represente d Success Network in co-locatio n suits
By the way, the founder of Harlem link is the well-known ed deformer who went under the monicker of Kitchen Sink, who given some of the stories about Harlem Link has been rather quiet of late.
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